Thursday, September 28, 2006

2007 Backpack Preview has posted a very nice, and comprehensive, preview of the 2007 Backpacks that were on display recently at the Outdoor Retailer show. They promise to update the preview throughout the Fall, adding more packs when they have the opportunity, so bookmark the page and check back often. Right now you'll find previews for winter packs, GoLite packs, the Trail Flex harness system, and the Syncpack.

There are some really nice packs on the horizon, I must say. I love the GoLite stuff, and they've really streamlined their product line for 2007, offering fewer, better designed packs. The Syncpack looks like it it could be a really useful add-on to any pack, and it seems well designed. But I have to say, the TrailFlex system looks really interesting. I like the idea of being able to mix and match it's part to design a pack that fits your needs. I just hope it's comfortable and fits well. Interesting design and concept to be sure.

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