Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Everest: Alpine Style

MountEverest.net, which is your one stop source for all news related to the tallest mountain on the planet, has posted this article today about a trio of Spaniards who are attempting to summit Everest in the Fall, alpine style, via the Hornbein Couloir. The three are already on the mountain, and have been acclimatizing in prepartaion for a mid to late September summit attempt. They report that the mountain is deserted, which is not uncommon this time of year, following the monsoon season, when there are layers of snow everywhere. On top of that, the route they have chosen, along the north face, is seldom used, which adds to their isolation.

It'll be interesting to follow their attempt and see if they are successful. The cold and snow on Everest this time of year are huge hurdles to overcome, and climbing alpine style means going in unsupported, carrying your own gear. On top of that, they will attempt the summit without supplemental oxygen, which will only add to the challenge.

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