Monday, December 18, 2006

Antarctic Update: Pole Is In Sight!

We have another Polar Update today from Teams are doing remarkably well, despite the weather conditions, and several of the explorers are appraching their destinations.

Team Polar Quest have passed 88 S and are now bearin down on the Pole. The estimate that they will reach their destination in time for Christmas. Meanwhile, The Kiwis continue to make slow, but steady progress despite the nasty sastrugi that they have encountered at every turn. The Team is condsidering breaking out the kites to try to improve their speed. Ray and Jenny report excellent, and warmer weather, as they make their way South, although a light snow fall has made it tougher to pull the sleds. Hannah is picking up speed, breaking her own distance record again on Friday, and is dealing with natural obstacles to her goals, namely grueling hill climbs, frozen sastrugi, and potential crevasse fields.

Going for an entirely different pole is not proving any easier for the boys of Team n2i. They spent much of the weekend huddled in their tents waiting out a nasty wind storm that prevented them from making any forward progress. They hoped to be back on the ice with the kites today.

Finally, over on Vinson, more teams have reached made their Summit bids, including the 7Summits team that had everyone reach the top, and a group of Canadians who were making their assault today.

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