Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Fowler-Boskoff Update: Body Found

According to this story over at the body of one of the two missing climbers has been found in China. The body, whose identity hasn't been revealed yet, was found on a remote mountain in Southwest China. Both are now assumed dead following this discovery. Even though it had been over a month since the Charlie Fowler and Christine Boskoff went missing, there was still some hope that the experienced climbers might still be alive somewhere and had just failed to check in or come home. Most in the mountaineering community feared the worst, but still kept their fingers crossed and said a little prayer from time to time.

I'm sure we'll learn more about what happened as time goes by and the body is properly excavated and examined. For now, my thoughts and prayers are with the families, friends and loved ones of Charlie and Christine. It has indeed been a rough month on the outdoor community.

Thanks for the information Carl!

Update: has sent out a press release regarding the developing situation in China. The statement reads in part:

"All of us at The Mountain Fund are deeply saddened by the news from China today that in all likelihood, Chris and Charlie have been found. We hold out hope that the body located today is not one of them, but hope is fading quickly. While we have played but a bit part in a large effort organized by Mountainfilm this bit part has taught us something important. The climbing community needs a resource in times like this, the families need a resource in times like this as well."

The Mountain Fund continues to aid in the search for the two climbers, by helping to organize and raise funds for the search party. They are also in the process of creating a Climb Alert Network that going forward will help to organize climb information, and for climbers to communicate with one another, making it easier to keep track of where someone is. It should be a great resource once it up and running.

The Fowler-Boskoff Search Engine has also been updated with more information as well. It seems the body was located at about 5300m (17,388 feet) and is mostly covered in snow at this point. It is, at this moment, not clear if the body is either Charlie or Christine. The Chinese search team that discovered it were asked to take pictures but leave the body undisturbed until a proper excavation team can return tomorrow. The body was discovered some three hours above the Lenggu Monastery in the Genyen Region.

More as it becomes available.

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