Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Elbrus: A "Pathetic" Climb?

I saw this story while surfing through earlier, and found it to be a suprising report. Spanish Climber Francisco Ortiz has voiced his displeasure with the climbing techniques being used on Elbrus, caling it "pathetic". It seems he was surprised to have visited the mountain recently, and found that the trip up to 3700m was conducted by cable car to a crowded hut, where he was further dismayed to see the amount of trash that was tossed onto the glacier and left there. That's not all, he reports that from there, many climbers than hitch a ride, on a Snow Cat, up to 4800m where they then finally, begin the climb to the summit.

Elbrus is 5642 meters in height, and is the tallest mountain in Euripe, making it one of the Seven Summits. But can someone really take pride in climbing it when you only have actually scaled about 840 meters under their own power? What's the point?

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