Saturday, December 23, 2006

Ten Best Hikes In The World: #3

We're up to number three on the list of the ten best hikes in the world. Today it's the Tongariro Northern Circuit in New Zealand. The 34km hike passes through desert and volcanic terrain that is both beautiful and bizarre.

Best Hike loves it because of the odd lava features, boiling mud pools, and water filled craters. There is also an active volcano (Mt. Ngauruhoe), that played the role of Mt. Doom in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings and a side trip up to the top of Mount Tongariro that adds a nice diversion, and along the way you'll learn about native Maori culture. Best Hike also notes that New Zealand has the best hostels in the world.

Things to consider for this hike includes the fact that the trail can get busy, especially at the Devil's Staircase, the weather is unpredictable, with rain and snow possible at any time, and all water sources require treatment, so bring your filters and iodine. Also be sure to bring plenty of warm clothes, good hiking boots, and extra equipment, as Best Hike notes that many trekkers on the trail come unpreapred.

Only two to go now!

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