Sunday, December 17, 2006

Ten Best Hikes In The World: #9

Best Hike has revealed their ninth best hike in the world, and this time it's a real classic. Number 9 is the Tour of Mont Blanc, which has long been held as one of the greatest hikes in all of Europe, if not the World. Mount Blanc is itself, the center piece of this hike, but one of the things that makes this hike special, is that at the end of the day, after hiking on challenging, but breath takingly sceneic trails, you'll spend the night in a mountain hut, complete with many creature comforts. On top of that, how many trails allow you to visit France, Italy, and Switzerland in one trek?

The Mont Blanc circuit is indeed a true classic of hiking. If this one clocks in at number nine, I can't wait to see what's ahead of it, as I would have suspected that this one would have ranked higher.

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