Monday, December 4, 2006

Monday Polar Update!

There is mixed news coming from the South Pole over the weekend according to In their Monday Update they remark on bad weather calling off summit attempts on Vinson, with teams waiting another weather window to make their bid.

Meanwhile, Team 2ni has set off for the Pole of Inaccessibility, which has only been visited once by a Soviet team back in the 1950's. It's the exact center of the continent, and as far from the coastline as you can get. It's a cold and inhospitable place to be sure, and not somewhere you'd want to go in a warm vehicle, let alone by foot.

The Kiwi's On Ice and Team Polar Quest both reported tough going, with white out conditions, and more nasty Sastrugi. Ray and Jenny Jardine offer some insight into what an expedition like this is all about. Hint: On your "downtime" you'll be melting plenty of snow so you have water to drink the next day.

And last, but certainly not least, Hannah McKeand has had her best day out on the ice so far, logging over 17 nautical miles, despite feeling like she was going "uphill all day" and fighting a nasty wind. A pretty impressive total to be sure. I guess her feet have decided to behave and her ankle is feeling better.

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