Friday, December 1, 2006

Best Hike Does The Hahuel Nuapi Traverse is up to their old tricks again today, this time turning their eyes toward the Nahuel Huapi Traverese in Argentina. As always, they provide reasons why they like the hike (They call it possibly the best hike in the Argentinean lake distrit, high praise indeed!), things for you to consider should you choose to take the hike, routes, guides, and more.

The Best Hike's guides are always amongst my favorites. They are so well organized, offer a ton of information in a concise manner, and link you to plent of other sites to help you get even more information. They offer a great selection of hikes all over the world, and do a nice job of getting you prepared for your expedition. One word of warning though, frequent visits to the site may cause your "life list" to grow much larger. You have been warned.

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