Friday, December 1, 2006

Antarctic Update is back today with another update from the Antarctic. Today we learn that the weather has improved, meaning betther conditions for making time, and distances, on the ice.

Two stories of note for those intrested in skiing at the South Pole. First, John Wilton-Davies, a 44 year-old father from the UK, with zero polar experience, has arrived on the ice and intending to ski to the South Pole solo, and unsupported. Apparently he woke up one day and decided he didn't have enough adventure in his life. His reaction so far is summed up in this quote: "Well, this is an interesting experience." I'm guessing it's going to get a lot more intresting for you yet John. What is it with the Brits and the South Pole?

The other ski story of note is that Davo Karnicar has successfully skied down Mt. Vinson, the tallest peak in Antarctica. He is now the first man to successfully finish complete ski descents of all of the Seven Summits. Meanwhile, summits atop Vinson continue well.

Meanwhile, the Polar Quest Team have crossed the 83rd parallel and will now begin ramping up their speed and distance each day. The Kiwi's On Ice have come across some unexpected crevasses, and Ray and Jenny have battled whiteout conditions and sastrugi.

And what would an update be without news on Hannah? She's had a couple of good days on the ice, making good time, and her feet and ankle are holding up so far, but she admits that the best moment of the day is climbing into her tent, and pulling off her boots at the end of the day. I've had that feeling too Hannah. :)

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