Friday, June 11, 2010

Abby is Safe!!

Another update on Abby Sunderland this morning, this time with good news! It is being widely reported by many sources that the 16-year old is safe and sound aboard her boat, although the Wild Eyes has suffered some damage, the extent of which is still unknown at this time.

A search plane was scrambled out of Perth, Australia this morning (local time) to conduct a flyover of Abby's last known position, and the boat was spotted from the air, upright and but with her mast broken. All of her rigging was also down and the sails, which were damaged in the storm, are dragging in the water, leaving Abby adrift in the Indian Ocean.

Rescue ships are already en route to lend a hand, but they are not expected to be on the scene until tomorrow at the earliest. For the NBC News Report, watch the video below.

I'm sure many of you, who have followed Abby's progress like I have, a relieved to hear that she is safe and sound. The teenager has quite the story to tell, and I can't wait to hear the details. But for now, I'm glad she is alive and well.

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