Saturday, June 12, 2010

Solo Sailing Update: Rescue Ship Reaches Abby

According to CNN, a French fishing ship has reached 16-year old solo sailor Abby Sunderland in the Indian Ocean, and is now planning on delivering her safely back to land, although where exactly they'll drop her off has yet to be determined.

Abby's family says that she is fine, and in good health, but happy to be off her crippled boat, the Wild Eyes, which suffered damage during a nasty storm on Thursday. The ship's mast was broken in high winds and 20-25 foot waves, and her sails are said to be dragging in the ocean.

At this time, it is also unknown if Abby will attempt to continue her journey. With the mast broken, and the sails in tatters, substantial repairs will need to be performed on the Wild Eyes before she can be sea worthy again. It will also require substantial funds as well, and that comes just a few weeks after Abby stopped in Cape Town, South Africa for repairs to the vessel as well.

Meanwhile, Abby's story has fired up the debate that has been going on for some time about whether or not teenagers should be out sailing solo around the world. The video below, from, discusses some of that debate, which is sure to be a hot topic in the days and weeks ahead, as other teens prepare to make this same journey.


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