Thursday, June 3, 2010

Teva Pledges $100,000 For Gulf Clean-Up

On the eve of the start of the Teva Mountain Games out in Vail, Colorado, the outdoor gear company announced yesterday that it was committing $100,000 to raise awareness, and to aid in the clean-up efforts in the Gulf of Mexico, an area that continues to struggle with a massive oil spill that is already having devastating effects on the environment there.

Teva has joined forces with the Waterkeeper Alliance, who will be the recipient of the $100,000, to work together in protecting the Gulf Coast. Teva has long been a company dedicated to protecting the environment, and Waterkeepers, which was founded back in 1999 by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., amongst others, had worked diligently to protect coastlines around the planet. This isn't just an effort from Teva however, as they would like us to get involved as well. To find out how you can help, go to the Teva Facebook page to learn more about how you can get involved.

The environmental disaster that continues to unfold in the Gulf of Mexico began back on April 22nd and now stands as the worst in U.S. history. Despite the efforts of British Petroleum and teams of scientists, oil continues to flow into the gulf waters, and is spreading across the region. A radio report I heard this morning says that the spill will reach Florida by this weekend. At the moment, efforts are focused on capping the spill, and it will be months before we'll know the true impact on the environment there, and the animals that inhabit it.

Lets hope we get some good news from the region soon.

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