Friday, June 4, 2010

Ocean Rowing: More on Roz's Arrival

Yesterday I posted that Roz Savage had completed her three-stage, three-year solo row across the Pacific Ocean. When I put that story online, she had only been into Madang, located in Papua New Guinea, for less than an hour, and there wasn't a whole lot of news about her arrival. Today, we have an update from Roz herself as she has posted a note to her blog.

Upon her approach it seems that she was a bit concerned about how many people would be there to greet her when she pulled into the dock. Turns out, she had nothing to fear, as there were more than 5000 people on hand to welcome her back to dry land. As she approached her final destination, canoes rowed out to join her, with locals dressed in traditional garb, and Roz was given a heroes welcome when she did finally reach land.

Interestingly enough, Roz wasn't allowed to officially enter Papua New Guinea until she had completed her paperwork for her visa. So instead, she spent the night aboard a luxury cruiser, called the Kalibobo Spirit while she waited for all of that to be sorted out. After getting a hot shower and a comfortable bed, she was up early the next morning, and they actually towed her boat back out into the water, and she rowed the final segment into shore and climbed onto the island, marking her official end of the row, despite the fact that she had arrived at that point the night before.

You would think that after more than 45 days at sea, Roz would be ready to get home and enjoy a break from this adventure that has consumed her life for the past five years. But instead, she'll be staying in Papua New Guinea for a month, relaxing, exploring, and giving talks on her ocean rows and the importance of environmental responsibility. At this point, I'd say she's earned a little R and R in a tropical setting, wouldn't you?

Congrats again to Roz on an amazing accomplishment.

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