Friday, June 4, 2010

Updated: The Jordan Romero Media Blitz Continues

Update: Just a quick note to anyone tuning in to watch 20/20 tonight. I had word this afternoon from Alan that his segment was cut and left on the editing room floor. So Alan Arnette groupies are going to have to find their fix elsewhere. ;)

The Jordan Romero PR Tour is definitely in full swing now that he has returned from the Himalaya. The 13-year old conquered Everest, and now he's conquering the mainstream media as well. After appearing on CNN yesterday, he made his way over to NBC's Today show this morning. You can watch Jordan talk about what it was like to climb the tallest mountain on the planet in the video below.

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When you've finished watching that clip, you can watch a preview of tonight's 20/20 episode, which airs on ABC. Tonight, the show is going to have a segment on the recent trend for young kids to do adventurous things, such as climb Everest. They'll also be spotlighting 16-year old Abby Sunderland, who is currently sailing solo around the world. Tune in tonight to catch the show, and you might even catch a glimpse of a certain Everest expert as well.

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