Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Everest Base Camp Trek: The Gear!

Frequent readers of my blog know that I enjoy testing and writing about new gear, which is why today's post on Gadling about my trek to Everest Base Camp was an enjoyable one to write. The story offers some information on the gear that you'll want to take with you on the trek, offering up some insights and suggestions on what I found worked for me.

I know that my audience here on the Adventure Blog is far more outdoor/adventure oriented than the usual Gadling crowd, and the article was written with that in mind. Much of what I wrote there will likely come across as basic info for many of you, but you might find some useful stuff none the less. I even recommend some specific gear that I took that worked out very well for me.

Selecting the proper gear for the trek isn't always an easy thing to do. As I mentioned in the article, after you spend thousands of dollars on the trip, throwing airfare into the mix as well, you may look to cut corners on your equipment in an effort to save some cash. In theory, that sounds like a good idea, but if you end up with sub-par gear, you'll probably regret it later. For instance, the example I use in the story is that a number of my fellow trekkers ignored the suggestions for bringing 4-season sleeping bags and ended up paying for it. We were only a day or two into the trek when they began asking for extra blankets to pile on at night, as the teahouses, which remain largely unheated outside of the common room, can get quite cold over night.

I aslo note that purchasing the gear for the trek can add up very quickly, but of course if you buy quality gear, it'll last you for many trips, and will be an investment on future adventures. Similarly, many of us already have full gear closets, so we only need to pick up an item or two here and there before we go.

The real message I was trying to convey however is that your gear can have a direct impact on how much you enjoy the trip and how challenging it is to complete. A bad pair of boots, for example, can make life on the trail a living hell. The lesson is to choose wisely, shop for bargains, but get good quality stuff. Saving a few bucks now is asking for trouble later.

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