Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Amazing Video Details Mt. Shasta Climb

A few months back I posted a beautiful video that captured a seven day hike on the John Muir Trail. The video was filmed and edited by Ryan Commons, and at 40 minutes in length, it was a spectacular look at one of the best hikes in North America, if not the world.

Ryan has returned with another amazing video, this time offering us a wonderful look at what it takes to climb Mt. Shasta, the 14,179 foot tall snow capped volcanic peak located in California's Cascade Mountains. This video is 20 minutes long and is amazing not only for the great scenery, but the practical information you can gain from watching it. If you're planning a trip up Shasta, or want insights into mountaineering in general, you'll enjoy this video for sure.

Summiting the Volcano, Mt. Shasta California from Ryan Commons on Vimeo.

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