Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Steps To The Summit - Step 9: Bad Weather

Hanesbrands expedition leader Jaime Clarke has another important message for us today, as we take another step to the summit. This time out, we're talking about "bad weather", which can come in both the literal and figurative sense when you're climbing a mountain or chasing after some other goal.

In the literal sense, bad weather is the high winds, cold, and rain or snow that plaques us when we're making a climb, but probably even more challenging is the bad weather in the figurative sense. That comes from internal sources that conspire against us to get in the way of reaching our goals. Things like self doubt or simply a bad mood. But Jaime reminds us that all bad weather eventually passes, and we simply have to hunker down and keep moving. As he says, it is all part of the journey.

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