Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Steps To The Summit - Step 3: Leverage Your Skills

The next video in the Steps To The Summit series from the Expedition Hanesbrand Team gives us a great lesson, whether it is for climbing or for life. In this video, expedition leader Jaime Clarke talks about leveraging your skills to achieve your goals, a process that starts with identifying the things you do well and then figuring out how you can use those skills to go after that goal.

In his case, Jaime says that he's not the world's greatest climber, which worried him when he considered making an attempt on Everest. But he realized that he was a pretty good climber and a pretty good businessman, two skills that not everyone has, and that by combining those skills, he could make his dream of summitting Everest a reality. Definitely a good lesson for all of us. What do we do well, and how it can it help us achieve the things we want?

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