Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tour Divide Update: Fatality on the Trail

Sad news from the Tour Divide today, where a report has broken that a rider was killed on the trail last Thursday after running into a truck. It is the first fatality in the the seven years that the event has been held.

Cycling News is reporting that 37-year old David Blumenthal ran into a truck that was traveling towards him on an unpaved road. After being evacuated to a local hospital, near Steamboat Springs, Colorado,  Blumenthal was eventually taken to St. Anthony Central Hospital in Denver, where he was later declared dead from severe head injuries.

Apparently, Blumenthal was on one of the numerous remote trails that  make up the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route, which runs for 2745 miles from Banff in Alberta, Canada to Antelope Wells, New Mexico, along the U.S.-Mexican border. He was reportedly riding on the wrong side of the narrow trail when he came to a curve in the road and couldn't see the truck coming down the other side. Although rescue teams were able to get to him within 20-30 minutes of the accident, it wasn't soon enough to save his life. 

This is a sad story, as anyone who follows the Tour Divide knows that the route is very quite remote. It seems like a very odd set of circumstances that would lead to a tragedy like this one. My condolences to David's friends and family.

Thanks to the GoBlog for the tip on this one. 

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