Monday, June 7, 2010

Conrad Anker Talks The Wildest Dream

A couple of months back I posted the trailer to The Wildest Dream, a documentary about George Mallory and Sandy Irvine's attempt to climb Mt. Everest. The film features Conrad Anker, who was on the team that discovered Mallory's remains back in 1999, as he and Leo Houlding attempted to summit Everest in much the same way as British duo did back in 1924.

The film just had its first screening, ahead of an August release, and in the video below, you can hear Anker talk about the film and the reception it has had so far. You can also read more about the film in this post over at the Inclined Blog, which is the official blog of the American Alpine Club.

Personally, I'm very much looking forward to seeing this film. it was fun to follow along with the expedition back in 2007, and I can't wait to see how everything plays out on the screen.

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