Monday, February 19, 2007

BlogStars: Terri's Back!

For while last year I was regularly linking to Terri Schneider's Blog over at Terri is an endurance athlete who has competed in adventure races, triathlons, ultramarathons, and more. We even followed her closely through the Gobi March last year.

Then there was a long drought of blog posts, and Mountain Zone didn't seem to be updating at all either, as their front page went unchanged for weeks. Finally, in January, things started to change over there, and updates returned to more regular frequency.

Over the weekend I had e-mail from Terri herself to let me know that she was returning to blogging. Her blog will still be available over at Mountain Zone, but can also be found at her personal website, where you'll find information on her speaking engagements, spersonal training opportunities, and a lot more. It looks like she has returned to blogging with a vengence too, as their are a number of updates posted, including a host of them in January on her climb of Aconcagua.

Hmm...unless I'm mistaken, Terri has now knocked off Kili, Elbrus, and Aconcagua. Are we watching a Seven Summits bid unfold before our eyes? Anyway, I'm happy to have Terri blogging again, as I always found her writing to be very engaging. Welcome back Terri, we've missed you! :)

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