Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Rest of Everest - Bonus Episode 2

The Second Bonus Episode has been released over at the Rest of Everest. Entitled Wild Horses Part 2, these Bonus Episodes follow climbers Ben Clark and Josh Butson on a trip to China where they explore the Sichuan Province for good climbing opportunities, including a first ascent.

Like the first episode, this one was marked by incredible photographs, and great story telling by Ben himself as he and Jon discuss his adventures in China. These bonus episodes make a nice contrast with the regular Rest of Everest video podcasts. A nice Chinese Adventure, while the epic climb on Everest continues. The third, and final, episode in thise bonus series, will likely come this week, and should wrap up the adventure very nicely.

Meanwhile, if you would like to know more about Ben and Josh's adventure in the Eastern Himalaya, check out this article over at

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