Monday, February 19, 2007

"New Media" On Everest has published the Sixth and final article from Human Edge Tech on shooting video on Everest.

This particular artilce moves away from the video elements of the past articles, and focuses more on the basics, such as choosing a media format, and good old fashioned story telling. The article also discusses "new media", which is a term used to describe such things as blogs, live dispatches, and podcasts. For many of us, this is the least expensive, easiest way to approach story telling for our own expeditions, and the article has some nice recommendations and ideas for things you might want to consider.

All in all, this series was informative and useful. There were times when I felt some of the infromation was a bit too simple and obvious, but other times there were some nice tips that I hadn't considered. There are things in all six of these articles that would prove useful to anyone, whether they are on Everest or just in a local state park.

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