Monday, February 19, 2007

First Ascent on Panbari Himal

The Alpinist is reporting that a team of five Japanese climbers have made a first ascent on Panbari Himal , a remote peak in Nepal.

The 6905 meter peak is situated north of Manaslu, close to the border with Tibet. The region was closed off to visitors until the early 90's and is just now starting to see regular traffic to the area. The Japanese team made the ascent on the 29th of January along a broad ridge that was buried deep in snow. The climb is described as "technically straightforward" and the team unexpectedly found the summit before they thought they would.

The team topped out without the use of Sherpas beyond base camp, and joins the growing ranks of young Japanese climbers who have pulled off some impressive climbs in recent years. The article notes that this is only the thirs peak to be climbed in Nepal following the monsoon season.

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