Monday, February 26, 2007

A Pair From Outside

I found a pair of interesting articles while perusing Outside Online today. It's been awhile since I've posted anything from the site, so it's about time they put some new content up.

Fist up is this fun article about the differences in the different "factions" in the various adventure sports. It's actually quite a funny article to read and had me chuckling more than once. You'll probably even recognize a few things about yourself in there, like the descriptions of the different types of mountain bike riders, and the clique like attitudes arise in many of the outdoor sports we enjoy.

The second article is an interview with Conrad Anker and Jenni Lowe. As many of you know, Jenni's husband was killed in an avalanche back in 1999 while climbing with Conrad. The two were best friends. In dealing with the grief of the person they had both lost, the two fell in love and have since married. They have been extremely private about their lives, but soon a movie entitled The Endless Knot will debut that will give a glimpse into that life. The movie sounds very interesting, and this interview is good, but very brief as well.

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