Saturday, February 24, 2007

2007 Everest and Himalaya Expedition List has posted the first edition of their 2007 Everest and Himalaya Climbing Expedition List.

You'll find all kinds of interesting expeditions on the list. Such as David Tait's Double Traverse of Everest, The Chinese taking the Olympic Torch to the summit, Nives Meroi & Romano Benet gong for their 9th 8000m peak, without supplemental oxygen no less, and heart transplant recipient Phill Michael making his summit bid on Everest.

Away from Everest, there are teams lining up for Annapurna, Cho Oyu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Shisha Pangma, and Lhotse. The list is just the beginning however, as it'll continue to grow and be updated as the season nears. I'll post as new editions are released.

For a different list, check out this one over at

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