Thursday, February 1, 2007

Alaska To Virginia at 15 MPH!

Gadling brings us the story of the day with the tale of Paul Woods and his dog Yoda. You see, Paul's mother passed away a couple of years back, and left him a home in Virgiina. The problem is, Paul lived in Alaska at the time, and didn't have a car to drive the 4500 miles to his new home.

Not one to be deterred however, Paul jumped on his trusty riding lawn mower and set off for Virginia none the less, Yoda in tow. Somewhere along the way, Pual decided it would be a good idea to visit his friend in Albuquerque, New Mexico, because, you know, it's sort of along the way to Virginia. Right?

Anyway, you have to admire the guy for taking off on thise low speed road trip. Lets hope he makes to Virginia eventually, and that he doesn't have friend in upstate New York he wants to see first. :)

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