Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Best Hike: Austingate Circuit in Peru!

I discovered Best Hike sometime ago, and book marked it for future study. Then I seemed to forget about it for awhile, only to return to it later only to realize what I'd been missing. They have some wonderful suggestions for some amazing backpacking and day hiking trips, and I love the comprehensive approach they have to outlining what makes a great hike a truely great hike.

Take their gudie to the Austingate Circuit in Peru for example. They lay out the details of the hike, things you need to consider before undertaking it, and the logistics of getting their. Then, they go on to offer links to guides, local attractions, as well as guidebooks, maps, and otherw websites with more information. The site is an excellent resource for anyone looking for a good hike in their own backyard, or halfway around the World.

The Austingate Circuit looks amazing by the way, and seems to offer a great treeking alternative to the Inca Trail for instance.

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