Thursday, November 9, 2006

Impressive Speed Climbs!

Here's a pair of articles from that is sure to peak interest. Both of them involve climbing, naturally, and both of them involve climbing very quickly!

First up, we have this story about Christian Stangl, who managed to bag three 6000+ meter peaks in the Chilean/Argentinean Andes, in only 16 hours and 16 minutes! Amongst the peaks to get knocked off were Cerro San Francisco (6018m), followed by Cerro Vicunas (6067m), and finally Barranca Blanca (6119m). Stangl is no stranger to speed climbs at high altitude however, as he summitted Everest in May in a single 16 hour, 42 minute push.

The second article tells the tale of Malli Mastan Babu, an Indian climber who has now completed the Seven Summits in just 172 days, if you count the "orginal" Seven Summits that include Koscuiszko in Australia. If you add the Carstensz Pyramid to the mix (Yep! He did that one too!) he completed the Summits in a still highly impressive 281 days. I'm guessing his next climb will involve going up the stairs to his bed for a much deserved rest.

Congratulations to both of these climbers. Impressive feats indeed!

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