Friday, November 10, 2006

Climbing Aconagua Solo, Alpine Style

Twenty-year old Nate Smith is setting off to Argentina to climb Aconagua alpine style. Nate intends to carry his own gear to base camp, and summit with out the aid of guides or porters, as opposed to the method used by most climbers which employ guides and a team of mules to haul their gear. You can read more about his attempt at the Daily Utah Chronicle the newspaper for the University of Utah, where Nate is a student. Good luck Nate! We'll be pulling for you, and I'll post on his progress when we learn more.

Thanks for the heads up on this story from the Backcountry Blog. It should also be noted that Nate is sponsored by so don't forget to flash your goat on the summit. On second thought, that sounds vaguely dirty...

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