Monday, November 13, 2006

Reminder: Everest: Beyond The Limit Premieres Tomorrow Night!

Just a programming note. Discovery Channel will begin airing Everest: Beyond The Limit tomorrow night at 10 PM EST/9 PM CST. The six part series will follow an expedition to the Summit during this past Spring climbing season.

The show is not without controversy however, as is willing to weigh in on. While filming the expedition, the crew reportedly came across David Sharpe, the independent climber from the U.K. who died on the mountain last Spring. It has been reported that 40+ climbers walked past Sharpe on their way to the Summit, and that this film crew actually stopped to capture the fading climber on film on their descent. While the footage is said to have been excluded from the final cut, it still begs the ethical and moral questions about what they should have, and could have done to help. Read the full article to fully understand where is coming from, and it's hard to argue with their position. It's certainly an interesting piece, and will get you thinking.

As for me, I'm planning on watching the first episode to see how they handle the topic in general. If they do a decent job, something that I come to expect from Discovery Channel, then I'll continue to watch, but if it's a "propaganda piece" as claims, I doubt I'll watch the following episodes.

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