Monday, November 6, 2006

Does Microsoft Have A Google Earth Killer?

I've made no secret about my love for Google Earth Any application that lets me explore the planet without ever leaving my comfy chair is a winner in my book. But now, Microsoft seems to be going after the Google Earth market with it's new Virtual Earth program which seems to have some features that Google hasn't integrated yet. It looks like an interesting product, and I'm looking forward to playing with it. You can check it out in this video for yourself, but you'll have to sit through a brief commerical first.

Not surprisingly, Virtual Earth only runs on Windows and integrates with the Internet Explorer web browser. I use both a Mac and a Windows PC, and love having Google Earth on my MacBook when I head off somewhere. Still, I'll install it on my PC and give it a through going over. Perhaps MS will spur Google to update their version of Earth with some similar features.

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