Sunday, November 5, 2006

Endurance 50 Ends Today!

Dean Karnazes is running the New York Marathon today to end his Endurance 50 challenge. For anyone who hasn't been following the event, Karnazes was attempting to run 50 marathons, in 50 days, in 50 states, and barring some freak injury, it looks like he'll make it.

I'm sure we'll hear more from Dean on his personal blog over the next few days, but I'll be the first to go ahead and issue a hearty congratulations right now. It's a pretty amazing feat of endurance to be able to stay healthy and continue to run a new marathon each day, but anyone who has followed Dean's exploits probably isn't too surprised that he managed to achive his goal. However, I'm not sure anyone thought he be in a position to help save a life while running in Baltimore. (Thanks

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