Monday, November 13, 2006

Latest Endurance Planet Podcast

Endurance Planet has relased their latest podcast. This time it's an interview with Michael Cook, who discusses the importancing of pacing yourself in long distance races, including marathons and ultras, as well as triathlons.

I haven't had a chance to listen to the episode yet (Hey! It just came out today!) but this is a topic a can certainly use some advice on, especially as I'm hoping to rid myself of these dreaded shin splints soon, and being running again. Pacing is one of those things where you want to go at a good, constant rate, but you don't want to go too fast and run out of juice at the end. Givent he choice, I'd rather still have a little more in the tank for the finish of a run rather than hit a wall, bonk, and suffer for the remaining miles.

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