Monday, November 27, 2006

Podcast Updates

A few updates to my favorite podcasts that you might find interesting as well. First off, I missed this one last week while I was away for the holiday break, but better late than never. The WildeBeat has posted Episode 66: Deals For Wheels which takes a look at the environmental impact of mountain biking on the areas we ride through.

As a mountain biker, I have to admit that I have often wondered about this very subject. I love to ride my bike along a stunning trail as much as the next person, but heavy traffic can certainly have an adverse effect on wilderness preservation. I've also hiked some trails where mountain bikes were forbidden, and I wished I could ride there, but now I have a better understand of why that is the case.

Our friends over at Endurance Planet have posted their latest episode as well. This week it's an interview with Triathlete Sam WIlkinson. Sam discusses training, with a busy schedule no less, and his habits as a successful racer. And for those living in the colder climates he also talks about winter training. Sam is the author of Race Fans: My Genesis and Evolution as a Triathlete.

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