Saturday, November 25, 2006

Great Outdoors Interviews Ed Viesturs! has posted an interview with Ed Viesturs as well as an excerpt from his book No Shortcuts To The Top. The book chronicles Viesturs' quest to summit all 14 8000m peaks, without the use of oxygen. Viesturs is arguably the greatest American mountaineer of all time with a number of epic climbs, mostly without supplemental oxygen, under his belt.

I posted my thoughts on meeting Ed last week at a book signing and lecture. He's a friendly, funny guy, who tells a good tale, and has interesting thoughts on a great many things. Some of this comes through in his interview here, which is certainly worth a read, as is the excerpt from his book.

Over the Thanksgiving Holiday I blitzed through the book and I intend to post a review of sorts in the next few days. It's a fun, interesting, and quick read that I recommend to anyone who has an interest in big mountain expeditions.

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