Friday, November 17, 2006

More Woes For the Backpacking Industry

I've posted articles before about the decline in the popularity of backpacking over the past few years and here's another one from, a Connecticut newspaper site. Essentially, the article is saying that interest in backpacking has declined to the extent that outdoor clubs that use to organize overnight trips now have a hard time finding enough people interested in such an event. They even site an industry report that there has been a 22.5% decline in overnight backpacking since 1998, while other outdoor pursuits have boomed.

But even more startling still is the decline in the long distance backpackers activities. The article states that in 1999 2,625 hikers attempted a through hike of the Appalachian Trail, while this year that number was 1,150. More than a fifty percent drop in just a few short years.

All indications are that Americans are getting outdoors and doing more activities than ever before, but they want their activities to be close to home, with less of a time commitment, and more of a quick payoff. It's a shame really, as backpacking can be such a fun and rewarding experience. Perhaps it's a cyclical thing, and in time, we'll see a resurgence, but for now, expect some lonely trails, and a lot of time to yourself when you head out into the backcountry.

Thanks Two-Heel Drive for the heads up on this one.

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