Thursday, November 16, 2006

Maybe Landis Is Innocent! has an update on the Floyd Landis doping case, and it may support his contention that he is innocent of using a banned substance to heighten his testosterone levels. According to the article, the French lab that tested Landis' "B-sample" cited the wrong identification number when it reported that Landis had tested positive for higher than normal levels of testosterone. It seems that Landis' sample was number 995,474, but the one cited in the report was actually 994,474.

Now the article is quick to point out that that doesn't mean that Landis is not guilty, but it does beg the question of what the lab is up to. If they can't keep the samples straight, how can they be trusted to offer up a legitimate result? Landis has always maintained his innocence, and of course he could ultimately lose his Tour de France title, which hasn't happened yet pending an appeals process. There have also been a number of people who have rallied to his defence, including Lance Armstrong. Plenty of people have contended that taking something to increase testosterone levels on the day of a race will not help performance.

At this point, all I know is that the story is very cloudy on both sides. I'm one who really wants to believe Landis, as his story was just so wonderful, and his comeback heroic. I'm still pulling for him, and these stories make it easier to see that he might indeed by innocent.

Oh! And one other thing. If you're the proud owner of sample number 994,474, you just might be a little nervous right about now. ;)

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