Monday, September 10, 2007

Create Your Own "Leave No Trace" Tags

I saw this while reading the Mountain Hardwear Blog. The article is about the gear companies attempts to spread the word about the Leave No Trace code of ethics for conduct in the backcountry. I'm sure most of you have already seen or read the code of conduct, but it reminds us of things we should, and shouldn't, do while out in the wilderness.

Mountain Hardwear, who makes some great gear I might add, has attached special tags to more than 7000 gear items, including packs, bags, and tents, that sold this past Spring, and they're planning to do the same next Spring. The thought was that it might make some of us stop, and think, about our impact on the environment when we are out on our various adventures.

If you didn't happen to get your hands on the tag this past Spring, and next Spring seems too far off, you can print your own "Leave No Trace" tag from this handy PDF document. But as the Mountain Hardwear bloggers point out, be sure to print it on recycled paper.

I've known, and strived to adhere to, the Leave No Trace code of conduct for a number of years. It's a great set of rules for spending time in the backcountry, but leaving it as you found it. It's a good program, that simply put, means pack out everything you pack in, do no harm while you're there, and always leave no trace or your passing. Good rules to live by.

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