Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Kayaking Tasmania

Canoe & Kayak Magazine has an excellent article up about sea kayaking around Tasmania, a remote Australian state which happens to be an island unto itself.

National Geographic explorer Jon Bowermaster set off with British whitewater kayaker and videographer Alex Nicks, Keith Fialcowitz, a photographer from America, Canadian Travis Holmes and French/Tasmanian Lelia Meffre, both of whom are NOLS instructors, to explore the Tasmanian coastline. Their intention was to take their sea kayaks from the South West corner to it's most North Easterly point, covering half the islands coastline along the way.

The trip was part of Bowermaster's Oceans 8 expeditions, in which he sets out to explore various oceans around the World by sea kayak. In this case, it's the remote and mysterious sections of Tasmania, which is UNESCO World Heritage Site, with some dramatic, and stunning scenery, that changed quite a bit across their four week long journey.

The Oceans 8 project sounds like a pretty cool adventure in and of itself. One of these long distance kayak expeditions seem like they would be a lot of fun, and quite rewarding. There are fewer things more enjoyable than exploring a remote area by kayak. Perhaps on Jon's next expedition he could use a good blogger to come along or the ride. Er... paddle.

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