Thursday, September 13, 2007

Outside Interviews the cast and crew of Into The Wild

We're just a week away from the release of the film version of Jon Krakauer's Into The WIld and while I can't really say that there has been a media blitz for the film, there has been some online buzz building for it.

Take for example this article over at Outside Online which is a rather in-depth look behind the scenes of the making of the film. The author went on set to talk to the producers, director, and stars. At ten pages in length, it's about as detailed as you can get.

They've also reprinted Krakauer's original story that spawned the book and now the movie.

I have to say, I expected a bit more of a push for this film, but I don't think I've seen one commercial for it yet. In fact, if it weren't for online articles and information, I'd probably not even know the film was coming out. While I don't expect it to break any box office records, but I do expect a good film. I think Director Sean Penn will handle the material with proper perspective and should do a great job in all aspects. I'm just a little surprised that there hasn't been more publicity over it. I guess we'll know a lot more next Friday though.

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