Monday, September 17, 2007

Want To Get Away From It All?

Many of us really enjoy our time out in the backcountry. We love the solitude, the peace and quiet, and the chance to get back in touch with nature. But have you ever wondered where the most secluded places in the U.S. actually are? If so, then the U.S. Geological Survey is here to help, in the form of their Road Indicator Project.

The project has generated a map that indicates the average distance to a road from any where in the United States. Obviously the further away from a road you are, the more remote and secluded the area is. You can take a closer look at the study, and the map itself in this PDF document.

When looking at the map, the darker the green areas, the further away from any roads that area is. A quick glance at the map shows you that the overwhelming vast majority of those areas are in the Western part of the U.S., and most of that land is in State or National Parks and Forests.

So, the next time you're really looking to get away from it all, take a quick look at the map before heading out. Then plot your course to the nearest dark green area to get even further off the beaten path.

Thanks goes out to The Trailspace Blog for this one.

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