Friday, September 7, 2007

Top 7 Ways To Bring Adventure Home

As I mentioned yesterday, Adventure Journey is back up and running after months of silence, and they're filling in more content all the time. Things are shaping up quite nicely, and I was happy to see the return of their "Top 7" lists. This time it's the Top 7 Ways to Bring Adventure Home with some great tips for keeping a little adventure in your life, even after you've returned from your latest expedition.

There are some great, simple things on the list, as well as some larger, more involved suggestions. The ideas range from finding an adventure hobby, such as scuba diving or climbing, to decorating a room in your home as an "adventure galleria". They even take the opportunity to pimp their new online community by suggesting that you go to to register. Unfortunately, that site doesn't have anything up and running just yet. Perhaps I'm poking around too much behind the scenes.

In the end, their best suggestion is number one on their list, which is to get involved with a good cause. They suggest something that keeps you connected to the places you visit, and you'll almost feel like you are there, even while planning your next escape. Besides, it never hurts to be involved in a good cause, no matter the motivation.

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