Friday, September 14, 2007

Want To Race PQ But Don't Have A Team?

The Primal Quest website has announced that the "comments" section is now open on their Team Page and are inviting teams looking for racers, or vice versa, to post a comment indicating that they are in need. They also note that it may be a good place to recruit someone for the support crew if teams still have those rolls to fill as well.

At the time of this posting, there aren't any comments yet, but if you're an adventure racer who is hoping to run PQ next year, but are in need of a team, I'd certainly encourage you to post. There are always teams out there that are in need of a good athlete to join their squad, and it may be an amazing opportunity for you to take part in one of the top races anywhere on the planet. Also, if you would like to participate in a capacity other than racing, teams can always use a good support crew, so lend a hand in that department as well.

The Team Page also lists all the currently registered teams for the 2008 Primal Quest. There are currently 81 teams listed, mostly from the U.S. and Canada, but coming from as far away as Australia, New Zealand, and Norway. It already looks like a very strong field, with all the top teams in place. They'll all be gunning for Team Nike, who are the four time reigning Primal Quest Champions. Whether or not anyone can knock them off has yet to be seen.

Still no word on the location of next year's event, but as indicated yesterday, the announcement is expected to come very soon. We do know that it will take place in the Western United States, with Colorado, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Arizona all making the rumor mill rounds.

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