Wednesday, September 19, 2007

NG Hosts The Best Mountain Photos of 2007 has posted the Best Mountain Photos of 2007 as selected last weeks at the Banff Mountain Centre, in Canada.

Overall, there were 18 photos selected, with National Geographic showing off 7 on their site. The ones that are already on display are each amazing in their own way. Great shots of mountain life, with vivid, sometimes striking colors. Looking at these makes me want to be a better photographer, which says something in itself. Great stuff.

My personal favorite is the grand prize winner, shown here. It almost doesn't look real.

Thanks to the GoBlog for the link to all the winners. Even more amazing.

Update: I just realized, as I was making another post, that this one marks my 1500th blog post. Thanks to everyone who keeps reading. It's very much appreciated!

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