Saturday, September 8, 2007

Grand Teton 100 Ultramarathon Race Report

Last weekend was the Grand Teton 100 Ultramarathon which pitted top endurance athletes from all over the country in a grueling, challenging race held in the Grand Teton mountains near Alta, Wyoming. Coverage was a bit difficult to come by last week while the event was being held, but that's changed now, as a number of race reports have appeared online.

First up, we have this great report from Matt Hart, posted in his blog. Matt is an endurance coach, but does a great job of posting his thoughts and impressions on events like this one. He finished second in the race, behind Andy Jones-Wilkens, but both men managed to smash the old course record of 24:17. For those new to these ultras, that's 24 hours and 17 minutes. Of running. Straight. Andy managed to complete the 100 miles in 19 hours 35 minutes, while Matt came in at 20 hours 53 minutes. The race report is insightful and interesting with lots of good details on what running an event like this is really like. Good stuff.

The Trail Runners Blog also has a short report as well with few details but some links to other sites. And if those reports weren't enough, you'll find another good one here in the forums and here at Planet Ultramarathon

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