Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Gear Junkie Goes Rogaining

It seems like that lucky bastard The Gear Junkie is always getting in on the good stuff. If he's not trying out the latest and greatest in gear, he's off on some adventure climbing mountains or paddling rivers. His latest edition of The Daily Dose is no exception as he gives Rogaining a try.

Rogaining, as GJ notes, is an offshoot of orienteering, that was dreamt up by the Aussies back in the 70's. It derives it's name from the first names of the athletes who first invented the sport (Rob, Gail, and Neil), and it pits teams of two to four people against one another as they attempt to navigate to all the flags hidden in some wilderness setting.

Generally the teams are armed with a map and compass and set free to find their best way through the course and to each of the different flags. When you get to the flag, you have to punch a card with a distinct marking to prove that you were there. First team to nab all the flags win.

The Gear Junkie, aka Stephen Regenold, and his friend Todd Petersen competed in such an event held in Wisconsin a few weeks back. You can read all about their experience in this article published today in the Minneapolis Star Tribue.

Sounds like a fun event. I'd love to give something like this a try. What a great way to brush up on your navigation skills while spending a little time outside.

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