Monday, January 26, 2009

The Adventurist Interviews Todd Carmichael, Again!

The Adventurist interviewed Todd Carmichael way back in July when he was still preparing for his attempt at the speed record to the South Pole. Now that Todd has broken that record and returned home, there is now a follow-up interview online.

In this latest interview, Todd talks a bit about what the expedition has come to mean to him (and his family) now that it is over and he's had time to reflect. He also discusses what it's like to walk much of the distance to the South Pole, in ski boots no less, and much much more.

The interview covers a lot of ground, and Todd has some interesting stories to tell. I suspect a book will be in the works at some point, because there seems to be more to Todd's story than we've heard so far. While out on the ice we had his short dispatches and updates, which helped for all of us following along at home, but the true story of his struggle, and ultimate triumph, is just starting to make it's way out in interviews like this one.

Kudos to The Adventurist for a fine job and again, major congratulations to Todd on his amazing accomplishment as well. Next up is his planned Namib Desert Trek scheduled for September. This guy sure likes to go to extremes. The arctic to the hot desert.

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