Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Rest of Everest Episode 95: Beyond Everest

The Rest of Everest kicks of a whole new era with the episode released earlier today, as the show returns to it's mountaineering roots, shifting it's focus away from Everest and toward Annapurna IV, a 24,688 foot mountain located in western Nepal.

The show reunites podcast creator Jon Miller with climber Ben Clark, who were together on Everest back in 2004 on the expedition that was the genesis of the podcast to begin with. Jon and Ben are joined by Josh Butson, who along with Ben and a third climber named Tim Clarke, attempted to climb Annapurna IV last year.

In this first episode, we see the climbers' approach to the remote mountain, with video footage starting in the Hong Kong airport, than quickly switching to scenes in Nepal, a country that has become very familiar to fans of the show that have seen all the episodes. There are some great shots from the countryside that catch the culture of the region quite nicely.

At one point in the video you also see workers building a new road through the Annapurna area. This road is changing the face of the region, and altering one of the greatest treks in the world forever. Ben mentions that if you want to do the Annapurna Circuit, you should do it soon, as it will be a different experience from here forward. This is something I wrote about recently over at Gadling as well.

You can download the first episode in the Annapurna IV series directly by clicking here or you can find it iTunes by clicking here.

It's great to have my favorite podcast back! Thanks Jon! :)

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